Child Healthcare Segment

A child can be afflicted with various type of infections, conditions like pyrexia and pain, constipation, diarrhoea, malabsorption etc. Palatable oral medication and appropriate topical preparations will help to bring relief to the child.

Welcome to the World of Taste which acts as the Crowning Glory of our Paracetamol Pediatric Range.

Children are the future of this planet and are at the centre of the healthcare universe. We ensure that all our highly efficacious paediatric formulations for the treatment of Pain & Pyrexia, Anorectal disorder, Constipation, Diarrhoea and Malabsorption are available in user friendly form.

Product Name Dosage Form Composition
Parasafe Drops Drops Each ml contains :Paracetamol 100 mg
Parasafe 125 Suspension Each 5 ml contains : Paracetamol 125 mg
Parsafe 250 Suspension Each 5 mg contains : Paracetamol 250 mg
Parasafe 500 Tablet Each tablet contains : Paracetamol 500 mg
Colax Syrup Syrup Each 5 ml. contains : Sodium Picosulphate 5mg
Cynobac Tablet Each tablet contains : Lactic Acid Bacillus 180 million , Folic Acid 1500 mcg , Vitamin B12 15 mcg
Cynobac Tender Tablet Each Dispersible tablet contains : Lactic Acid Bacillus 60 million , Folic Acid 100 mcg, Vitamin B12 3 mcg
Sucral - ANO Cream Sucralfate 7% w/w , Lignocaine 4%, Metronidazole 1%
Sucral MU Ointment Sucralfate 7% w/w, Mupirocin 2%
Sucral Cream Sucralfate 7% w/w
Sucral Kid Suspension Each ml contains : Sucralfate 100 mg